Digitized "Nyimbo Standard" Kiswahili Hymn Book.

The "Nyimbo Standard" hymn book is a collection of hymns commonly used in certain Christian denominations in East Africa, particularly among communities in Kenya and Tanzania. This hymn book is often used in churches associated with the Africa Inland Church (AIC), Anglican Church of Kenya (ACK), and other Protestant congregations.

Table of Contents

Key Features:

  1. Language: The hymns in the "Nyimbo Standard" are primarily in Kiswahili, the lingua franca of East Africa, which makes them accessible to a wide audience in the region.
  2. Content: The hymn book includes a mix of traditional hymns translated into Kiswahili and original compositions. The hymns cover a range of themes including worship, praise, thanksgiving, and supplication.
  3. Usage: It is used during church services, religious ceremonies, and personal devotional times. The hymns play a significant role in the liturgical life of the congregations that use them.

Historical Context:

The "Nyimbo Standard" hymn book has its roots in the missionary efforts of the early 20th century when Western missionaries introduced Christianity to East Africa. The hymns were initially translated to cater to the local populations, promoting the spread of Christianity by making it more culturally accessible.

According to Anglican Church of Kenya records, the book was first published in 1897 by the S.P.C.K. An enlarged edition was later published in 1931. The fourth edition was published by S.P.C.K. in 1935.

It has been revised and reprinted many times. This edition was published by Uzima Press and C.T.P. in February 1974, and printed by photolithography from the 1963 edition.

ISBN 9966 768 505.

👉👀 I'm now making it available to people on the internet by inputting its content (hymn lyrics) on this blog!

Editions and Variations:

There may be various editions of the "Nyimbo Standard" hymn book, reflecting updates and additions over time to include newer hymns or to revise existing ones. These updates ensure that the hymn book remains relevant to contemporary worship practices.

Would you like to access the hymns in the "Nyimbo Standard" hymn book? Follow the link below to get access to the hymns in their systematic order from number 1 to 539.

- Kiswahili Hymns Lyrics.

- English Hymns Lyrics.

There's also a list of the lyrics based on the titles of the songs and their numbers in the book at the very end of this post 👇.

Sala Ya Bwana

Baba yetu, uliye mbinguni, Jina lako litukutzwe, Ufalme wako uje, Mapenzi yako yatimizwe, hapa duniani kama huko mbinguni. Utupe leo riziki yetu. Utusamehe makosa yetu, kama sisi tunavyowasamehe waliotukosea. Usitutie majaribuni, lakini utuokoe na yule mwovu. Kwa kuwa ufalme ni wako, na nguvu, na utukufu, hata milele. Amin!

Imani Ya Mitume

Namwamini Mungu, Baba Mwenyezi, Muumba mbingu na nchi.

    Na Yesu Kristo, Mwana wake pekee, Bwana wetu, aliyechukuliwa mimba kwa uweza wa Roho Mtakatifu, akazaliwa na Bikira Mariamu, akateswa zamani za Pontio Pilato, akasulubishwa, akafa, akazikwa, akashuka ameketi mkono wa kuume wa Mungu Baba Mwenyezi; kutoa huko atakuja, kuwahukumu watu walio hai nao waliokufa.

    Namwamini Roho Mtakatifu; Kanisa takatifu Katholiko; Uskirika wa watakatifu; ondoleo la dhambi; kufufuliwa kwa mwili; na uzima wa milele. Amim.

2 Korintho 13:14

Neema ya Bwana wetu Yesu Kristo, na pendo la Mungu, na ushirika wa Roho Mtakatifu ukae nasi sote sasa hata milele. Amin.

Would you like to access the hymns in the "Nyimbo Standard" hymn book? If yes, click the links below 👇 to get access to the hymns Lyrics in their systematic order from number 1 to 539.

List of The Hymn Lyrics In Kiswahili;

11. "Come to me, Lord, when first I wake." (11)
12. "Come to the Morning Prayer." (12)
13. "When thou wakest in the morning." (13)
14. "May Jesus Christ be Praised."

15. "The day Thou gavest, Lord, is ended." (14)
16. "Father, again in Jesus Name we meet." (15)
17. "Holy Father, Cheer our way." (16)
18. "Father of Love and Power." (17)
19. "Jesus, still lead on." (18)
20. "Lead Kindly Light." (19)
21. "O strength and Stay uploading all creation." (20)
22. "One Sweetly Solemn thought." (21)
23. "The Sun is sinking fast." (22)
24. "Now the day is over." (23)
25. "Saviour, breathe an evening blessing." (24)
26. "Sun of mu soul." (25)
27. "The day is past and over." (26)
28. "Abide with me." (27)
29. "Night's shadows falling." (28)
30. "Lord, I have passed another day." (29)
31. "The day is past and over." (30)
32. "O Saviour bless us ere we go." (31)
33. "Glory to Thee, my God." (32)
34. "Jesus, tender Shephard, hear me." (33)
35. "At even, eve the sun was set." (34)
36. "Saviour, again to thy dear name." (35)
37. "Day is dying in the west."
38. "Father, give us now Thy blessing." (540)
39. "May the grace of Christ, our Saviour." (540)

40. "A little while our Lord shall come." (36)
41. "Lo, He comes with clouds descending." (37)
42. "Work, for the day is coming." (38)
43. "The weary hours like shadows." (39)
44. "Hark, hark, hear the glad tidings." (40)
45. "Ten thousand times ten thousand." (41)
46. "What will it be when the King comes?" (42)
47. "The Mighty God, the Lord, hath spoken." (43)
48. "Blest son of God, we wait the Day." (44)
49. "I'm waiting for Thee, Lord." (45)
50. "Great God, what do I see and hear." (46)
51. "Our Lord is now rejected." (47)
52. "Hearken, ye nations of the earth." (48)
53. "Ye servants of the Lord." (49)
54. "Thou art coming, O my Saviour." (50)

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