2. "Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun. "(2)

Nyimbo Standard Hymns Lyrics: "SALA YA ASUBUHI"

H.C. 2.   [L.M]

Toka roho yangu sasa,

Fanya yanayokupasa;

Uache uvivu wako,

Toa na sadaka yako.

Siku zako zitumie,

Leo ya mbinguni waze;

Vitunze vipawa vyako,

Usiwe na haya mwisho.

Maneno na yawe safi,

Usiwe na unafiki:

Mungu wako hukuona,

Siri zako huzijua.

Ndani yako nuru zake

Ziwang'arie wengine;

Wamjue Mungu wako,

Kwa nguvu za pendo zako.

Uondoke, moyo wangu,

Uandame na wa mbingu,

Waimbao kutwa kucha

Sifa zake Mtawala.

Waimbaji wa mbinguni,

Nimekwisha amka nami

Mnavyomsifu Mungu,

Nami nifanye vivyo tu.


The List 👇of Nyimbo Standard Hymns in Kiswahili;

1. "Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty." (1)

3. "O Jesus Lord of Heaven Grace." (3)

4. "The Morning Bright with Rosy Light." (4)

Ryanon Nelima

Hello fellow christians! I'm Ryanon Nelima, your companion on this journey of faith. Whether you're seeking prayers, biblical wisdom, or practical advice, I'm here to help. If you have any questions along the way, don't hesitate to leave a comment below. Let's walk this path together!

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