Our Lives As The Reflection of The Spiritual Realm!

Life is spiritual! Whether we acknowledge it or not, the events that unfold in our lives are influenced by spiritual forces. These forces operate under distinct authorities - either malevolent, led by entities like witches and Satanists under the authority of Satan, or benevolent, guided by prayers under the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ.

There's no middle ground; we must align ourselves with either God's side or His adversary. It's within this context that prayers emerges as a potent force, empowering us to shape the course of our lives. Lets dig a little dipper into this aspect..!

Table of Contents

A little Definitions..;

                - Evil Forces 

Malevolent spiritual forces operate under the authority of darkness, seeking to ensnare and deceive humanity. Entities such as witches and Satanists harness dark energies to wield power and manipulate circumstances for their own gain. Their influence can manifest in various forms, from subtle manipulations to overt acts of harm and malevolence.

            - Heavenly Forces

In contrast to the darkness, good spiritual forces operate under the authority of light and love. Guided by prayers and divine intervention, these forces work tirelessly to bring healing, protection, and blessings into our lives. Through the power of faith and spiritual alignment with the Lord Jesus Christ, we can tap into this benevolent influence and experience profound transformation.

Understanding the Spiritual Dynamics.

In the spiritual realm, there's an ongoing battle between good and evil, light and darkness unfolds, as described in (Ephesians 6:12). Malevolent forces operate under the authority of darkness, seeking to ensnare and deceive humanity. Entities such as witches and Satanists harness dark energies to wield power and manipulate circumstances for their own gain. Their influence can manifest in various forms, from subtle manipulations to overt acts of harm and malevolence.

Humans are all spiritual beings; both God the Father, the son Our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Devil are also spirits. The Almighty created humans in three dimensions: the Soul, Spirit, and Body. Each of these dimensions plays a distinct role in our lives.

                1. The Body

The body is composed of Blood, Bones, and Flesh. It serves as a vessel enabling us to exist in the physical realm. Demons and other evil spirits lack physical bodies, which is why they seek to possess someone else's body as a host or access point to function on earth.

                2. The spirit

Our spiritual bodies are active and intense, often experienced in dreams. They encompass our Mind, Intuition, and Heart. While scientific explanations for dreams exist, our focus here is on the spiritual aspect. Dreams hold significant importance as they serve as an interaction space for both good and evil forces in the spiritual realm. During sleep, our physical bodies rest while our spirits roam the spiritual world.

Individuals, such as witches and Satanists, utilize their spiritual bodies for astral travel, either to meet or attack their victims. These attacks often target victims' spiritual bodies during sleep. This concept finds resonance in the "parable of the weeds" (Matthew 13:24-43), where believers plant crops and sleep, only for the enemy to sow weeds among them during the night.

The Lord can also reach out to us through dreams. A notable example of this is Joseph's dreams about Jesus (Matthew 1-2): he was instructed by God to take Mary as his wife and to flee to Egypt to escape King Herod's wrath. In Matthew 2, the wise men who visited Jesus after His birth were also warned in a dream not to return to Herod, who sought to harm the child. They heeded the warning and returned home by another route.

Our spirit man serves as the energy source for both the body and soul. When a person dies, the soul either in Heaven or Hell depending on their deeds here on earth (Luke 16:19-31), the body goes back to dust, and finally, the spirit, which acts as the battery "or the breath of life" goes back to God (Ecclesiastes 12:7).

            3. The Soul

The soul encompasses our Will, Emotions, and Intellect. In Hell, lost souls can vividly recall their lives on earth. This is why one of the most effective forms of torture there is regrets! Just as the rich man regretted his ways, but it was too late!(Luke 16:19-31).

Both the Lord and Satan strive to win our souls because;

  • Our bodies and spirits can be controlled and influenced by the souls.
  • Our soul lives forever!
The only difference is that Satan takes souls by force and sometimes deceives individuals into traps, leading them to willingly surrender their souls to him. On the other hand, the Lord does not force or steal souls but wins them through the Gospel and obedience. Souls taken by Satan end up in hell, experiencing eternal torture, while those taken by the Lord receive eternal peace and happiness in Heaven.

Prayers As Our Spiritual Access

For a clearer explanation, let's put it this way... Picture our souls as the garden where the food is planted, the spiritual realm as the kitchen where the food is being prepared, and the table as the physical world where the food is served in relation to how it has been cooked in the kitchen. The dependency of whether the food will be good or not is decided in the kitchen. If the chef cooks poorly, the food will taste bad when served. But if they cook carefully, with respectable skills, the food will definitely taste good.

The same logic is applied to our lives here on earth. If we have knowledge about how the spiritual world works or influences our lives, we'll be in safer hands because we'll be able to make our lives much better! The secret method of accessing this kitchen is prayers. Prayers isn't just a ritual; it's a transformative practice that yields tangible results in the natural and spiritual realms. Understanding how to pray to the Heavenly Father and Our Lord Jesus Christ, empowers us to influence the spiritual realm.

            1. The Evil Altars

The evil agents usually access spiritual realms via satanic prayers, and rituals. They first make an altar that acts as the access point or the media between the physical and spiritual world. Then they sermon particular evil spirits from the spiritual realms, asking them for super natural favours in exchange of sacrifices (Mostly blood sacrifices). Some altars are raised and dedicated for specific objectives. For example, evil altars against a church, a particular person, family, etc.

Theres' always a priest whose work is to maintain these altars, keep the fire burning, watches over the progresses of their intended goals, and so forth. Some call them 'Strongman or Strongwoman' because they are spiritually strong in satanic powers, but of course, they can't stand a chance when challenged or attempting to attack a Christian who walks in holiness. Believers who follow the Lord's commands are protected by the angels, as well as by the fire of the Holy Spirit (Psalms 34: 7-9).

            2. The Christian Altars

As Christians, we also have altars, which are our bodies. In the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 6:19-20), our bodies are the temples of God. Additionally, the Lord instructs us in (2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1), to live a holy life by separating ourselves from what is unclean so that He can come and dwell in us. We also have the Priest who represents us in the spiritual realm. His name is the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He is the highest priest in the order of Melchizedek (Hebrews 4:14-16), interceding for us to the Father in heaven, fighting for us against the forces of darkness, and also protecting us from them.

Before Christ, we also had physical altars and priests from the tribe of Levi. In fact, I firmly believe that the forces of darkness derived these concepts from the Lord, as He is the beginning of everything. According to (Leviticus 6:12-13), the Lord communicates with Moses, detailing the procedures for maintaining the perpetual fire on the altar. "The fire on the altar must be kept burning; it must not go out. Every morning, the priest is to add firewood, arrange the burnt offering on the fire, and burn the fat of the fellowship offerings on it." Verse 13 emphasizes that the fire must be kept burning on the altar continuously; "it must not go out". Since believers' bodies are the temples and altars of the Lord, we are also instructed not to stop praying, as it's the way of keeping the fire burning within us (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). In this case, it's the fire of the Holy Spirit.

As the evildoers offer human and other animal blood sacrifices on their idols' altars, Christians are expected to generally sacrifice themselves by living in obedience with all that's required in the Scriptures (Romans 12:1-2). We don't offer blood sacrifices because the Lord offered Himself on behalf of our sins as the ultimate sacrifice (Ephesians 5:2). In short, prayers are very important! They enable us to have a say in what happens in our lives here on earth. When we neglect prayers, we inadvertently lower our defenses, exposing ourselves to spiritual attacks from the satanic forces.

Prayers As The Spiritual Warfare Weapon!

Spiritual warfare is the cosmic struggle between the forces of good and evil, light and darkness. It is a battle fought not with conventional weapons, but with spiritual weapons wielded through faith and prayer (Ephesians 6:12). At its core, spiritual warfare involves contending against demonic forces, breaking strongholds, and advancing the kingdom of God on earth.

Prayer is one of the most potent weapons in the arsenal of believers. It is through prayer that we align ourselves with the will of God, tap into His divine resources, and enforce His victory over the forces of darkness (2 Corinthians 10:1-6). Prayer enables us to access the supernatural realm, where miracles happen, chains are broken, and lives are transformed.

As believers, we possess spiritual authority through Christ to pray with power and authority. Jesus Himself affirmed the authority of believers in (Luke 10:19), saying, "I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you." Through prayer, we exercise this authority, commanding demons to flee, breaking curses, and releasing blessings upon ourselves and others.

Effective prayer in spiritual warfare involves strategic and targeted approaches. This may include;

  • praying with fervency and persistence,
  • praying in the Spirit,
  • using the Word of God as a sword,
  • and engaging in intercessory prayer on behalf of others.

By discerning the leading of the Holy Spirit and aligning our prayers with the will of God, we can effectively dismantle strongholds and advance His kingdom.


In the midst of spiritual warfare, prayers of protection and deliverance are essential. We can pray for God's hedge of protection around ourselves and our loved ones, invoking His angels to guard us from harm. Additionally, prayers of deliverance empower us to break free from bondage, renounce demonic influence, and walk in the freedom and victory that Christ has secured for us. {alertInfo}

In conclusion,

As we traverse the intricate pathways of the spiritual landscape, we come to realize the profound significance of prayer in shaping the trajectory of our lives. Prayer, more than just a ritualistic act, becomes our spiritual lifeline, our direct connection to the spiritual realms. It serves as a powerful tool, enabling us to confront and overcome the obstacles that stand in the way of our destinies.

Moreover, prayer cultivates within us a heightened spiritual awareness, an intuitive sensitivity to the workings of the unseen realm. As we deepen our communion with the Lord Jesus Christ through prayer, our spiritual senses are sharpened, enabling us to discern between truth and deception, light and darkness via the help of the Holy Spirit. Armed with this spiritual discernment, we navigate the complexities of the spiritual realm with clarity and insight, steering clear of the snares and pitfalls that lie in wait.

In essence, the practice of prayer is not merely a passive endeavor but an active engagement with the spiritual forces that shape our world. It is through prayer that we align ourselves with the will of God in our lives, tapping into the boundless resources of heaven to fulfill our God-given destinies. By embracing spiritual awareness and committing to a life of prayer, we emerge victorious in the ongoing battle between good and evil, standing as beacons of light in a world shrouded in darkness.

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