As Christians, We Must Always PRAY! Here's why...?

Prayer is the communication between a believer and God. It is more than just a religious ritual or a list of requests we bring before God. Prayer is the single most crucial practice for any Christian. Despite the casual attitude it sometimes receives, its significance cannot be overstated. It is indispensable, as the entire foundation of the Christian faith rests upon it.

Through prayer, we express our gratitude for the blessings we have received, seek guidance in times of uncertainty, and offer supplication for the needs of others. It is a means of surrendering our will to the will of God, aligning our hearts with His purposes, and finding peace in His presence.
Moreover, prayer holds particular significance during different times of the day, such as the midnight hour, all the way....till dawn. At 12 am, when the world sleeps and darkness looms, spiritual activities often intensify. This time is a battleground between good and evil, where demonic attacks may occur, but also where heavenly interventions are sought. We're also warned in the scriptures by the Lord Jesus Christ concerning sleeping and being attacked by the enemy during the night;

24 Jesus told them another parable: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away. 26 When the wheat sprouted and formed heads, then the weeds also appeared. (Matthew 13:24-26){alertInfo}


Thus, prayer at this hour serves as a vigilant watch against evil forces and an earnest plea for divine protection and guidance, reinforcing our connection with the divine and fortifying our spiritual resolve. As the book of (Ephesians 6:12) reminds us, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms".

  • Dawn, symbolizing the beginning of a new day, is a time for renewal and seeking God's guidance for the day ahead, as in (Psalm 143:8), 'Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you.'
  • Dusk, marking the transition from day to night, is a moment for reflection and gratitude for the day's blessings, as in (Psalm 141:2), 'May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.'

Lets Look At Some Of Its Main Significance To Christians' Lives

  • Prayer is the sacred communication between us and our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth, encompassing the Father and the Holy Spirit. It serves as a potent tool for spiritual growth, personal transformation, and nurturing a profound relationship with God. Prayer strengthens the spiritual bond between the Lord Jesus Christ and His people—the Church, often referred to as His bride. It serves as a tangible expression of the Church's(us) love for the Lord. The more we engage in prayers, the deeper our connection becomes, drawing us closer to Him.
  • Prayer holds paramount importance in fostering communion with the Holy Spirit. The spiritual connection between heaven and the Church(us) is facilitated by the Holy Spirit. When we pray, our spirits unite with the Holy Spirit, enabling us to discern the voice of the Lord and live a holy life characterized by conviction, repentance, and renunciation as needed.
  • For those who engage in prayer, sin loses its grip. Conversely, Christians who neglect prayer find their flesh increasingly entangled with worldly concerns, creating a rift between them and the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • It is imperative to cultivate a habit of daily prayer. Mere study of the "Word" will not suffice to walk in righteousness. Through prayer, believers find strength to resist the temptations of the world. Those who obey the Lord and remain steadfast in prayer find salvation and triumph over the assaults of demonic forces.
  • Prayer is a force that dismantles the schemes of the enemy. Saints are called to intercede for the weak, and through righteous prayers, the Lord has rescued many. By maintaining a lifestyle of prayer, believers open themselves to the revelation of heavenly secrets. 


Though prayer offers numerous benefits and opportunities for spiritual growth, Christians often face challenges in maintaining a consistent prayer life. The fast-paced nature of modern life inundates individuals with distractions, making it difficult to carve out dedicated time for prayer.

Additionally, some believers may struggle with a lack of understanding of prayer's significance, viewing it as a mere ritual rather than a meaningful dialogue with God. Feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness, coupled with spiritual dryness or disappointment from unanswered prayers, can further hinder one's willingness to pray. Moreover, spiritual warfare may manifest as doubt, fear, or temptation, seeking to deter believers from engaging in prayer.

These challenges, both internal and external, underscore the need for perseverance, humility, and reliance on God's grace in cultivating a vibrant prayer life. For more about these setbacks and how to deal with them, visit this post!

In Conclusion;

In closing, prayer stands as the cornerstone of our faith journey—a sacred bridge connecting us to God. Let us please cherish this gift of communication with our Creator, allowing it to guide us on our path of faith, illumination and off course, back home to heaven via the help of the holy Spirit.

As you reflect on the significance of prayer, I invite you to explore our next article on "Necessity of a Personal Prayer Life" as stated in the scriptures. Discover practical insights and strategies to enhance your prayer life and deepen your communion with God. Together, let us journey deeper into the transformative power of prayer.

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