Can We Really Be HOLLY Like Jesus Christ "Matthew 5:48"?

If you're stuck in sin-repentance and guilty cycle, you're not alone! Surrendering our lives to the Lord Jesus Christ can be a bit confusing without clear guidance of how to RIGHTFULLY live as a Christian. Personally, I often find solace in listening to sermons by renowned preachers like Paul Washer and other servants of God on platforms like YouTube, etc... They typically guide individuals to;

  • Repent their sins,
  • Acknowledge their belief in Christ as the Son of God who lived sinlessly,
  • Suffered and died for our sins,
  • Was resurrected by God the Father to grant us freedom from sin and eternal life.

Following this, the preachers suggest attending a local church, and just like that, we are assured of eternal salvation – a truth corroborated by (Romans 10:9-10). However, the real challenge surfaces when we attempt to overcome our deep-rooted sinful nature and strive for righteousness, as mandated by our faith in Christ especially when reflecting on these particular verses (John 14:15 & John 14: 23), when the Lord said "Whoever loves me, will obey my teachings/commandments".... -Without forgetting the fact that, if we continue to live in sin, we'll end up in hell.

At the moment, it looks like the Lord Jesus Christ is cool with whatever excuses we throw at Him, but in reality, He is just full of grace and mercy. We're surviving on His grace! Chances are, if He comes back now, a good percentage of us won't be raptured because of our sin. As much as He is Love, He is always the Lord of integrity. He keeps His word. As stated in (Numbers 23:19) and also in (Revelation 19:11) where He's called by His servant John as the 'Faithful and True,' He can't lie. If He says we can't make it to heaven with sin (Revelation 21:27), He means it!

Now, this brings us to the big question: Can we be holy like our Lord Jesus Christ? Let's dive into it to find out more..."

Table of Contents

  • The Struggle Within:

Not too long ago, my understanding of faith was marred by the constant struggle with sin. The echoes of the Lord's teachings on love, peace, and holiness served as a backdrop to my internal battles, especially those fiery clashes with my little nephews when I'm trying to discipline them. I got angry very easily. I kept going back to doing the same things I shouldn't over and over again, no matter how hard I tried.

The spirit is willing, but the flesh is strong. The same conflict is mentioned by Apostle Paul in (Romans 7:14-25). Getting stuck in this loop felt so frustrating, especially when I remembered Apostle Peter in (2 Peter 2:22) referring to the situation as "Dogs going back to their vomit." In those moments, I knew something was amiss – these conflicts did not align with the compassionate heart of the Lord.

Our sinful nature and satanic characters are deeply rooted in our souls. We effortlessly take pleasure in arguing, gossiping, fighting, planning evil against each other, competing, killing, feeling jealous, arrogant, proud, and can't help but hate the truth. We're quick to defend our own interests. On the other hand, I know some great Christian friends who live exactly as the Lord instructs us to do. They're full of love for everyone, respect, care, tolerance, faithfulness, prayerfulness, and very considerate. This not only acts as an indicator of where we're supposed to reach in faith but also as encouragement. If they can do it, we too can crack it! I wonder what the Almighty God says about all these...😕!

  • Words from Almighty God:

According to the scriptures, everyone who sincerely believes in Christ undergoes a transformation in their behavior. They become free from sin and are turned into completely new vessels. However, here's the twist: changes that are solely based on behavior are unsustainable if there's no corresponding alteration in the character of the individual. Sooner or later, their aggressive tendencies will resurface, even if they have the help of the Holy Spirit. This gives rise to a cycle of sin, conviction, and repentance. As the saying goes, "Doing a good deed is easy. What's difficult is living a lifetime of good works.

The purpose of God's work is to transform a soul into a new being, akin to the evaporation process where condensed (sinful) water molecules are turned into a light vapor that rises to His heights (righteousness). Condensed water cannot rise unless it becomes vapor! Behaving well does not equate to submitting to our Lord Jesus Christ. We must empty ourselves of all we once knew about ourselves, becoming a completely new vessel that can be filled once more by God according to His will. As John the Baptist put it, "He must increase, but I must decrease" (John 3:30). The same aspect is also reflected on (2 Timothy 2:21) where Apostle Paul instructs Timothy "as his true son of faith" on how to be blameless and ready to be used by God. The exact words are;

"Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work."{alertInfo}

Interesting, right? Now, how can we achieve this 👀👇?

  • Relationship With the Lord Jesus Christ:

What our Lord Jesus wants for us is not just to follow a bunch of rules but also to have a close relationship with Him. This is also stated in (John 15:13-15), where He insists on being our FRIEND if we do what He commands. However, some people mistakenly see this as a pardon for sinning, which is not true. The Lord wants us to be not only born of the Holy Spirit but also to know Him on a personal level. If one is merely following Christian rules without knowing and accepting Jesus, they cannot be saved because the Lord Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven (John 14:6).

Pictures this scenerio....        

An individual who only follow rules is one who hears, at first, that the Lord Jesus Christ hates sin. Instead of surrendering to God for Him to change them, they take matters into their own hands by deciding to avoid or stop sinning in order to be saved. This person doesn't have the Spirit of God to convict them and make them hate sin, read the Bible, or pray, which eventually leads to frustrations and failure due to getting stuck in sin.

If he had accepted the Lord Jesus Christ from the beginning, He would have baptized him with the Holy Spirit, who would have helped in transforming him to holiness in all he does because he'll have the fear of the Lord and do only what pleases Him. Only Jesus is holy, and He's the only one who can make a person holy. A close relationship with Lord Jesus enables Christians to overcome sin. This is achieved through reading the Bible, meditating on the word, obeying His word, praying, and completely surrendering all to Him. We needs to totally depend on the Lord Jesus Christ to overcome our sin.

We're the ones taking the first step towards our Lord by repenting of our sins and intentionally pursuing Him, because without Him, we'll fall back into our old ways. He's the only one who can shift us from flesh to spirit. So, being friends with our Lord Jesus Christ doesn't mean we can live freely without reading the Bible and praying daily. I mean, if two can't agree, we'll not go anywhere! We can't walk in life with Jesus while continuing to sin. Do you remember the "rest" our Lord promised in (Matthew 11:28-30)? This is exactly what He promised—relieving us from the torture of trying to do the right things in order to please Him.

This is the freedom He gave us: freedom from our sin, not freedom to sin! The Holy Spirit strengthens us by supplying us with His fruits (Galatians 5:22-26), as we also ensure to read the Bible daily and pray, depending on Him and asking Him for everything. Staying close to Jesus causes us to love Him. We no longer see His commandments as burdensome, but as light because when we delve deeply into these concepts, we realize they are all for our own good—more like a set of solutions to our problems and a map to life as a whole! Just as a friend here on earth or anyone else close to you might influence you, the same applies with Jesus. We begin to hate what He hates and love what He loves, thereby attaining holiness in the process.

  • In conclusion;

Navigating the complexities of sin, repentance, and holiness in our Christian journey can often feel like a daunting task. Yet, amidst the struggles and challenges, there shines a beacon of hope and redemption: our unwavering relationship with Jesus Christ. As we journey through the ups and downs of our faith, let us remember that true transformation begins with surrendering our lives to the loving embrace of our Savior. It's not merely about following a set of rules or striving for perfection on our own accord. Instead, it's about embracing the freedom that comes from knowing and walking intimately with the One who conquered sin and death on our behalf. In the end, may our hearts be stirred with a fervent desire to pursue holiness, not out of duty or obligation, but out of a deep and abiding love for our Lord Jesus Christ. And may we find solace in the promise that He who began a good work in us will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6). So, let us press on with unwavering faith, knowing that in Christ, we have the strength to overcome, the grace to forgive, and the hope to persevere until the very end. Do you have trouble praying? If yes, check out this article that discusses how to pray effectively to our Lord Jesus Christ and the Father in heaven!

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